
Race Title: FEMCA Warmup Race

Venue: A.K. Raceway in Korea
Date: 2019/03/10
Entries: 120 
Format: 1 control practice, 2 qualifyings, 30minute Final
Final Position: 10th
I went to the first race of the 2019 season in Korea. It was meant to be to select racers to patek philippe replicas participate FEMCA race in April. Close to 120 entries. 
In Control Practice, I placed 6th and Semi-Final I placed 4th
for the Final, I made a big mistake and fell to the last, but ran hard and got to the 3rd position. and then my engine flamed out more than couple times since my engine had a dirt in due to not put a cable tie on the carburetor neck.. all my mistake..  
Next race will be March 24th, VP Fuel Race in Korea

Kevin Lee